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God himself impregnated Mary and that is recorded in the Gospels.

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Q: Whom do both Matthew and Luke state that Jesus was born besides Mary?
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4 Times. Matthew 6:30, Matthew 8:26, Matthew 16:8, Luke 12:28

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Matthew and Luke. Both record the story of Jesus' birth. Matthew explains Jesus' lineage from Abraham through David. This shows Jesus in the line of Abraham and David. By implication, he is the legal son of Joseph by adoption.

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The four gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

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The Gospels of Matthew and Luke have accounts of Jesus' infancy.

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If you mean Matthew and Luke in the Bible, then their stories are written there and you can read about their lives. They both wrote their own version of Jesus's story, their own gospel.

What evangelist began by telling about Jesus' ancestors?

Matthew's gospel opens with a genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17). Luke's genealogy is presented in the third chapter of his gospel (Luke 3:23-38).

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Jesus is a friend of sinners. See Luke 7:24 and Matthew 11:19.