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Q: Whom were the pueblo Indians similar in their housing and farming customs?
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How is ancient Greece similar your time?

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Culture is the way of life for people who share similar beliefs and customs.

The Inca and Aztec farming methods are similar in what ways?

all built terrances

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The southern and Middle colonies were similar in various ways. One of the common similarities was the economic activities which mainly revolved around farming and agriculture in general.

How are homes today similar or different to a roman villa?

The average ancient Roman house, outside of the city, was usually big with an atrium, bedrooms, kitchens, and a courtyard. The shape of the house was a square shape. As you walked into it there was aprotocol with fountains, plants, and flowers. The first room was the room where guests were greeted and behind that would be living quarters and slave quarters in the very back. The kitchen was outside in case of fire in the cooking process. The walls were highly decorated with paintings on the walls. Bathing was done in bath houses and steam baths so the houses didn't contain a bathroom. In the city, however some lived in apartment buildings, but around the center of Rome there were also wealthy homes and where the Colosseum sits today was the place of Nero. Many of the poor also lived in small one or two room "houses" built close together.This was of course in the time of the Republic and Empire.

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The Catawba Indians were the first Native Americans the explorers encountered when they came to what is now North Carolina in the United States. The Catawba Indians spoke a language that was similar to the Sioux Indians.

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Its because North Indians are racist pigs (similar to pakis). they hate everyone who does not look like them or talk Hindi

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becuse they won

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