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Answer: Galatians 2:7 through 9 makes it clear that Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles and Peter was the Apostle to the Jews. There is no contradiction at all. Peter, however was the first apostle to preach to the Gentiles -Cornelius and his household ( Acts 10). This was a new thing in church history and Peter was the one chosen by God to make this important breakthrough and to defend and explain what had occurred to the leaders of the church in Jerusalem. Also the experience of Paul along the Damascus road was initially solely for his benefit -to lead to his conversion and that he would be God's 'chosen vessel' to preach the faith he once tried to destroy. Acts 9:15 makes it clear that preaching to the Gentiles was indeed Paul's calling.

Actually in Acts 8:26 and following the evangelist Philip is recorded as being instrumental in the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch. This was apparently an isolated incident, while Peter's preaching to Cornelius aroused much more widespread interest.

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Q: Whose vision should we believe.. Peter and Cornelius and the sheet of animals.. or Paul and the light and voice along the road to Damascus..Peter says God appointed him Apostle to the Gentiles.?
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. St. Paul was a follower of Jesus who spread Jesus and rsquo teachings to people other than the Jews. St. Paul thought of himself as an apostle to which of these people?

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