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Mason Dalomba

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Q: Why do you think Washington was so concerned about these two issues?
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Please clarify and rephrase the question. The two "are"'s and the two "with"'s make the meaning muddy.

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There are several issues that concern US citizens today just as they concerned colonists centuries ago. For instance, taxes and fair representation in government are still major political platform issues.

What are two issues that concern American citizens today that concerned American colonist long ago?

Two issues that concern American citizens today, which also concerned American colonists long ago, are taxation and representation and individual rights. American colonists protested against taxation without representation and fought for their individual rights, which influenced the foundations of the American Revolution. Today, these issues continue to be a concern among American citizens, with debates over fair taxation systems and the protection of individual rights.

How many represenatives does Washington state send to Washington D.C.?

i think two or one but it either depends on how many people there is or its just two Washington State sends nine (9) Representatives or Congressmen to Washington, D.C. where they represent the state in the House of Representatives, or "the House." It also sends two (2) Senators who represent the state in the Senate.

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Washington to main is the greatest distance in the U.S! :) I think

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two articulate and knowledgeable candidates debate issues.

How many terms did Washington serve ?

I think one?

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I'm not sure but i think that what led to the development of a two-party system was the differences between Jefferson and Hamilton.

What issues led to development of a two party system?

I'm not sure but i think that what led to the development of a two-party system was the differences between Jefferson and Hamilton.

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The two men that spoke about issues in the church!

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