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Q: Why American government hates China government?
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Where can you find the basic plan of American government?

in china

What were two major government concerns in society?

American and China

Why were Americans not allowed in communist china?

American's were free, Chinese people were not, the government did not want the Americans to influence the population of china to revolt against the government

Are leaders selected in China?

The same way the American Government is selected they vote

How are leaders selected in China?

The same way the American Government is selected they vote

What is China Anne McClain favorite sprot?

She said that she hates sport.

What government is used in china?

China has a Communist government.

What does government mean in China?

China has a communist government

Does china have an limited government or unlimited?

China has a limited government

What form of Government is followed in China?

China has a communist government.

What does China's government do for China?

The Chinese government has opened up China to Western Business and Industry. It maintains China.

What government action first allowed American businesses to come to China in large numbers?

Signing of the burlingame treaty