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he was a terrorist

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Q: Why Americans hate osama binladene?
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Does Osama bin Laden hate the us because the Americans got the Iraqi out of Kuwait which he wanted to do as a Muslim not the infidel Americans?

Osama bin Laden's hate for Americans tended to spawn more from the fact that they gave military support to Isreal, which he was strongly against.

Why did Osama bin Laden hate Americans and other westerners so much?

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Did Osama hate Barack Obama?

Of course he did!

Why does Osama bin Laden hate Muslims?

He didn't hate Muslims, he was a Muslim.

Why did osama hate the US?

because tyhe don't have freedom of speech

Why does Osama Hate the United States?

Because he grew up brainwashed to hate America. His ancestors hated America also.

Why do Americans always hate every Muslim just because Osama bin Laden attacked America?

This is because the US ideology seeks to create an enemy to the Americans in order to keep the Americans unified against it. This ideology was adopted after the breakdown of the Soviet Union and communism which were the West's grand enemy.

Why do Americans hate Osama bin Laden?

he is they most wanted man in America because he is held responsible for terrorist attacks on the U.S.A. he caused the tragedy on September 11, 2001 ( known as 9/11 )

Why does Osama bin Laden kill Americans?

because americans are stupid and they are twats and everyone hates them

How many Americans were killed in the firefight with Osama bin Laden?

None of them.

Who does Russia hate?

the Americans

Why were the twin towers targeted by osama bin laden?

To put fear and hatred into Americans.