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Because the two Churches (Orthodox and Catholic) use different calendars to calculate the date of Easter (which is a movable holiday). The Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar, whereas the Catholic Church uses the Gregorian calendar. The two Easters are not always a week apart (in 2007, they were on the same day), but that's usually the case.

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Q: Why Catholic Easter is one week before orthodox?
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Roman Catholic AnswerHoly Thursday, itself, I suppose is all day Thursday of Holy Week, although the Triduum begins with the Mass of the Lord's Supper in the Evening.

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Yes, Palm Sunday is the week before Easter.

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Is Easter week holy week?

No. The week before Easter Sunday (from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday) is called Holy Week. It is also the last week of the 40 day period of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday. Officially, Easter Week is the week that begins on Easter Sunday. There are also 40 days in the period of Easter, beginning on Easter Sunday, which is actually only the First Sunday of Easter.

What day is 1 week before Easter 2010?

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