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Baby teeth are a lot weaker than adult teeth. Even if there's no adult tooth to replace it, it'll usually crack and fail by itself eventually anyhow.

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Q: Why Do Baby teeth need to be pulled if no adult teeth are present?
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Related questions

Can you get braces after you have had teeth pulled?

In order to receieve braces you need to have lost all of your baby teeth. The answer to your question is yes, I know of a couple people who had to get adult teeth pulled to get braces. So yes.

How many adult teeth does a person have not including the baby ones?

The average adult has 32 teeth including wisdom teeth. Less if you got them pulled or never got them.The person with the most teeth ever has 36 teeth

How many teeth do you have that you could pull out and they'll gro back in?

Only your baby teeth will be replaced with other teeth when they are pulled or fall out. A human has 20 baby teeth total. If you pull out human adult teeth they will not come back.

What if kids teeth are coming out and their baby teeth are still in?

Get the teeth pulled

Do you get your wisdom teeth or molars pulled?

Yes you pull out all of your teeth and new permanent teeth will come in. By the age of 21 all of your baby teeth will be gone and all of your molars will have erupted.

When do you get your teeth?

A few weeks to a month after a baby tooth has been pulled out your adult teeth will come in... Your wisdoms on the other hand can vary and can take a while just for one

Is it possible for an adult to still have one or two milk teeth?

Yes, the permanent teeth can erupt alongside the baby teeth, leaving the baby teeth intact. These can be extracted if they cause a problem, eg. decay, obstructing neighbouring teeth. If they are not a problem in the arch and are contacting the neighbouring teeth, however, they can be present in a fully grown adult.

Why do you call one baby teeth and the other adult teeth?

Baby teeth fall out between the ages of sis and twelve. Then adult teeth grow in.

Do kids need to have baby teeth pulled?

normally they come out on their own when the adult teeth come in, but sometimes they don't, and should be removed

Do you have adult teeth when your baby teeth fall out?


Which teeth fallout when your a child?

Your 'Baby' teeth fall out when a child and in their place come 'Adult' teeth. Simple names really, easy to remember...Baby teeth = young child, Adult teeth = older child + adult.

Why do you lose your baby teeth?

Because adult teeth would be too large to fit in a baby's mouth, and baby teeth are too small to work practically in an adult mouth.