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Q: Why Does metal stick to a negatively charged balloon?
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Would a negatively charged balloon stick to a metal rod?

No. It is not possible. Because as soon as balloon touches the metal charges would be conducted.

A balloon will stick to a wooden wall if the balloon is charged?

either negatively or positively charged.

Would a negatively charged balloon stick to a metal wall as easily as to a wooden wall?

Yes, because metal conduct electricity.

Does a negatively charged balloon stick to a wooden wall?


What happens when you try to stick a charged balloon an a metal doorknob?

they will attract

What happens when a balloon with a negative charge is brought to the surface of a wall?

i dont know ask your friends at school. if your old, live with it. A Negative Charge or a collection of negative charges will repel other negative charges. A negatively charged balloon will therefore repel those few negative charges in a wall that are capable of moving a little bit. That area of the wall close to the negatively charged balloon will therefore become positively charged. A positively charged wall will attract a negatively charged balloon and the two will stick together.

Why is paper attracted to negatively charged balloon?

opposite electric charge

Why does a balloon stick to the celing when rubbed?

1. Rubbing the balloon to your hair causes the balloon to "steal" electrons from your hair. 2.The balloon has a buildup of electron so it has a negative charge. your hair has lost electrons so it becomes positively charged. 3.Because opposites attract the negatively charged balloon will stick or if there are enough electrons on the balloon they will try and "Jump" the wall and will make a small zap by:Zimran Reubin

How rubbing the balloon on your hair and your hair will stick onto the balloon?

because she her hair was the negative charged into the balloon which it caused it to stick to the balloon....does that answer your question...

How can a positive balloon stick to a neutral wall?

All matter contains positive protons and negative electrons. When you bring a positively charged balloon close to a neutral wall, the wall becomes polarized. The electrons in atoms move colser to the balloon, making the near side of the wall seem negatively charged and farther components seem positive charged. This has a net attractive force on the balloon.

What is negatively charged?

A negative charge is the opposite of an ion. An Ion with a negative charge becomes an Anion. Normally with a negative charge they are called Electrons. See electrons for more help

Why does rubbing your hair with a balloon cause static electricity?

This has to do with the charge of the objects. Positively charged items stick to negatively charged items (think "opposites attract"). Though objects like hair and balloons are generally neutral (without a charge) and do not attract anything, this can be changed through the transfer of electrons. Electrons are negatively charged subatomic particles that can be transferred between items through contact. When you rub a balloon on your hair, the contact between your hair and the balloon allows electrons to be transferred, known as the triboelectric effect. Some materials are more likely to gain electrons and become more negative, while others are more likely to lose electrons and become more positive. In the case of hair and a balloon, the electrons are transferred from your hair to the balloon, so the balloon becomes negative. Now that electrons have been transferred, your hair and the balloon are of opposite charged and attract one another; therefore, your hair sticks to the balloon. Before the balloon contacts the hair, they both have a stable balance of electrons and protons. Once the balloon is rubbed on the hair, it takes electrons from the hair. Thus leaving the hair positively charged and the balloon negatively charged. Once the balloon is pulled away the hair sticks to it. This happens because opposite charges attract and since the hair was positively charged, and the balloon is negatively charged, they attract.