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Q: Why Filter paper usually a poor material on which to powder a solid before introducing it to a capillary melting tube?
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What mining of melting point?

The melting point is the temperature at the solid and liquid states of the material are in equilibrium; if the temperature is even very slightly above the melting point, the material will melt, and if it's even very slightly below, the material will freeze. Technically the melting point depends on the pressure, but usually the dependence is not very strong; you have to change the pressure a lot (and by "a lot" I mean many multiples of normal atmospheric pressure) to change the melting point by enough to even notice.

How you can determine the melting point of a compound using capillary tubes and a digital melting point apparatus that need to be calibrated each time of use?

Melting points are ranges usually. It starts when the first crystal of the substance being tested melts and ends when the last crystal melts. Therefore the smallest sample possible and the slowest rate of heating will give the most accurate melting point.

How thermal evaporation takes place?

Thermal evaporation takes place in the following manner: The material to be evaporated is taken in a crucible (usually called as boat) and the material is melted by heating the system up to the melting point of that material ,the material evaporates and gets sticks on the substrate (usually glass)

How capillary thermostat works?

The capillary thermostat has a capillary tube which is usually filled with a refrigerant which usually contracts or expands due to temperature. As the temperature expands this liquid and in turn this pressure presses against a bellows that pushes against a switch , the switch closes and the refrigerator runs until the capillary cools enough to decrease the pressure and the opposite happens.

Increased temperature usually results in?

An increase in the kinetic energy of the molecules that a materiel is formed from. This can lead to a softening of the material or if enough energy is supplied the melting of the material. It can also cause chemical reactions which may alter the material. Both these processes occur in metamorphic rocks.

How do you measure the melting point of a solid that melts above 100?

the use of a stirred oil bath, an electrical heating element, a thermometer and a capillary tube along with a magnifying glass is usually used for determining the melting point of crystalline solids. All of these may be found handily contained in a Hoover apparatus.

What is capillary reaction?

Usually called 'capillary attraction' or 'capillary action' it refers to the way very thin tubes can draw water up themselves without any external changes in pressure or without suction being applied.

What makes igneous rocks?

Ultimately a combination of an increase in temperature or a loss of pressure cause the partial melting of mantle material (usually by decompression), or the partial melting of mantle material near a subducting slab due to the release of volatiles into the surrounding material, lowering it's melting temperature to a point where it becomes liquid. This lower density material will then be of higher buoyancy and migrate upwards toward Earth's surface where it will either form an igneous rock intrusion (where the molten magma cools and solidifies under the surface), or an extrusive igneous rock where the lava erupts onto Earth's surface and solidifies.

What does the term GM products mean?

GM = Genetically Modified. It means that the genes of the species have been modified, usually by introducing a gene from some other species.GM = Genetically Modified. It means that the genes of the species have been modified, usually by introducing a gene from some other species.GM = Genetically Modified. It means that the genes of the species have been modified, usually by introducing a gene from some other species.GM = Genetically Modified. It means that the genes of the species have been modified, usually by introducing a gene from some other species.

What is high melting point?

The melting point of a solid is the temperature at which it changes STATE from SOLID to LIQUID. At the melting point the solid and liquid phase exist in equilibrium. The melting point of a substance depends (usually slightly) on pressure and is usually specified at STANDARDatmospheric pressure.

What usually has a lower melting points than the ionic solids?

Covalent compounds have a lower melting point.

What usually has a lower melting point than ionic solids?

Covalent compounds have a lower melting point.