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Ghana is less developed because of the low production capacity of its exports and its over reliance on donor funds. most of the internally generated revenue in Ghana is channelled towards payment of salaries. capital projects are mostlly financed by Aids/ Loans/ and donor funds.


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Because there is a lot of poverty in Ghana.

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Q: Why Ghana is a less developed country?
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Ghana is considered a third world country, so compared to the United States of America it is less developed.

Why is Ghana a Less economic developed country?

Ghana is a less economical developed country,to measure development in a country you measure the 6 main factors: 1 The population 2 The life expectancy 3 Gdp per capita 4 The litracy rate 5 The amount of doctors 6 The agricultural workers Ghana has a low life expectancy,low gpd,low litracy rate,not alot of doctors and high agricultural workers.Therefore is less developed.

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what does LEDC stand for?Less economy developed country

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