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Jonathan Swift did intend for Gulliver's Travels to be a satire of British society.

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Gulliver's Travels reflects the political, social, and cultural issues of 18th-century England through its satirical portrayal of different societies. The book uses the fictional travels of Lemuel Gulliver to critique various aspects of British society, such as government corruption, colonialism, and class distinctions. By presenting a range of fantastical societies, Swift provides a lens through which readers can reflect on the shortcomings of their own society.

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Q: Why Gulliver's Travels is a microcosm of British society at that time?
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"Gulliver's Travels" was written by the Irish author Jonathan Swift. The novel was first published in 1726 and is a satirical work that explores various aspects of society and government through the protagonist Lemuel Gulliver's journeys to different lands.

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What kind of book is Gullivers Travel?

"Gulliver's Travels" is a satirical novel written by Jonathan Swift. The book follows the adventures of Lemuel Gulliver as he travels to various imaginary lands, each with a different social or political system that Swift uses to critique human nature and society. It is considered a classic work of English literature.

Why does johnathan swift satrical commentary in gullivers travels remain relevant today?

Jonathan Swift's satirical commentary in "Gulliver's Travels" remains relevant today because it tackles timeless themes such as human nature, society's flaws, and political corruption. The novel's examination of these issues still resonates as they continue to be prevalent in contemporary society. Additionally, Swift's sharp wit and critique of society's follies continues to captivate readers and spark reflection on the human condition.

What is the conclusion of gullivers travel?

"Gulliver's Travels" concludes with Gulliver returning home to England, disillusioned with humanity and preferring the company of his beloved horses to people. The novel ends on a somber note, reflecting Jonathan Swift's satirical commentary on human nature and society.

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Which is a literary term antisocial microcosm or foreshadow?

Foreshadowing is a literary device where an author hints at future events, creating suspense and intrigue for the reader. On the other hand, an antisocial microcosm refers to a small group, community, or setting within a story that is isolated from society due to its antisocial behaviors or beliefs.