

Why Heat can not be passed in vacuum?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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there are no molecules present to vibrate and thereby create heat

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Q: Why Heat can not be passed in vacuum?
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How a vacuum conducts heat?

A vacuum does NOT conduct heat !

Why can not heat be conducted by vacuum?

No heat OR electricity can be conducted in a vacuum because of the mere fact that a vacuum has no particles in it that can vibrate to produce heat in the first place

Is it possible for heat to flow across a vacuum?

Heat needs something to "flow" through. In a vacuum it will not have a medium to travel through and so heat cannot flow across a vacuum. Radiant heat will travel through a vacuum but here it is the light energy that is passing through the vacuum, not the heat energy.

Which mechanism of heat transfer can work in a vacuum?

Heat is a form of energy. Atoms of a certain material begin to tremble very fast when heated and pass this movement on to other atoms. So I think -not shure, heat/ energy can only be passed through material, and so it is not possible in a vacuum.

Does heat travel in a vacuum?

Lets look at a vacuum and heat. Heat is the treansfer of energy from one piece of matter to another. A vacuum is the absence of matter. Heat cannot transfer in a vacuum because there must be matter in close proximity to other matter for heat to travel.

How does the vacuum in the flask used to store liquid nitrogen prevent heat transfer?

I believe that since the vacuum is absent of matter, there is not matter to which the heat of the outside of the container can pass on its heat. In other words, if there was air inside the tude instead of a vacuum, the hotter outside of the container would make the air hot inside the walls of the container, so thus the hot air would make the inside of the container hot too. This is like a chain of heat, as the heat moves from matter to matter, bbut the vacuum limits the matter in the chaing, so less heat is passed onto the nitrogen.

Is heat energy can be stored in vacuum?

Yes! Heat is one of the energy stored in a vacuum cleaner!

Does heat disperse in a vacuum?


How is heat transferred away from a vacuum flask?

a vacuum flask is not 100% vacuum. it contains some particles or gas molecules which absorbs a small amount of heat.

What could you heat water in that would retain the heat the longest?

A vacuum would retain the heat best, hence a thermos flask has a vacuum around it =-)

Heat transfer by radiation is the only method of heat transfer that can travel through a vacuum. What is a vacuum?

A vacuum is a space where there is no, or very little matter (ex. air molecules). One example of a vacuum is outer space. Because there is no matter for heat to travel through via convection or conduction, radiation is the only heat transfer that can take place in a vacuum.

Does heat exist in a vacuum?

No. Heat is a measure of molecular energy in matter, a true vacuum would not contain matter. However, since there is no such thing as a complete vacuum, then Yes.