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Q: Why Jefferson in Jefferson memorial faces White House?
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What is the street the White House faces?

Pennsylvania Avenue.

Where does the Andrew Jackson Statue face?

It faces the white house.

Why did they give Franklin Delano Roosevelt the nickname houdini in the White House?

Yes smart faces

Does the White House faces east like the masonic lodge?

The White House's layout is unrelated to the layout of a Masonic Lodge. In particular, the Oval Office (office of the President) is situated such that the President faces north when seated at his desk. The primary entrances of the White House are located on all four cardinal directions.

What is the U.S. National Park that contains the four fathers?

Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota depicts the faces of four U.S. Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

Who are the faces on mount rusmore?

Whasington,Roosevelt,Lincoln,and Jefferson

Faces on the monument?

Washington, Liincoln, Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt.

Which of the 4 American president take up most of mount Rushmore?

Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota has the carved faces of 4 US Presidents. Each is approximately 6 stories high. They are: Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt and Lincoln.

There is a house with four walls Each wall faces south There is a window in each wall A bear walks by one of the windows What color is the bear?

White. The house is built on the North Pole, so all the windows face south. The bear is white and is a polar bear.

What are the name of the mountain that is a memorial of a US president?

Mount Rushmore is the name of the mountain where the faces of four US presidents are carved. Mount Rushmore National Memorial is located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, near the town of Keystone. The four US Presidents are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt.

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Who is faces are on Mount Everest?

Mount Everest has three faces. If you mean Mount Rushmore. The faces on Mount Rushmore are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.