

Why Neptune has longer day and night then earth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Actually it doesn't.

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Q: Why Neptune has longer day and night then earth?
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Do neptune have nights and days?

Neptune has a day and night cycle as does all the planets. Neptune's day and night are shorter than Earth's because it takes Neptune only 16 hours to complete a rotation.

How much longer is a day on earth then a day on Neptune?

A day on neptune is 4 hours longer than a day on earth because science proves this on youtube. wach now .... yeah science is cool

What is the length of year on Neptune in earth days?

The rotation of the planet Neptune is much faster than Earth's. It completes a rotational "day" in about 16 Earth hours. So in an Earth year (365.25 Earth days), Neptune completes about 544 Neptune days. In a Neptune year, there are about 89,666 Neptune days.

What is the length of a Neptune day and year?

A year on Neptune is 164.79 Earth daysA day on Neptune is 16 h 6 min 36 s

Does Neptune spin day or night?

Neptune is always spinning.

Does neptune have day and night?



Neptune rotates on its axis at a speed of about 16 hours and 6 minutes, resulting in a relatively slow rotation compared to Earth's 24-hour day. This means that Neptune has a longer day than Earth.

Is Neptunes day shorter or longer than earths day?

Neptune has a shorter day than Earth, it spins once on its axis in 16 hours and 6 minutes, compared to 24 hours for Earth.

Which planet has a day that is most similar in the length to a day on Earth?

Mars. Its day-night cycle is only about 40 minutes longer than Earth's.

What is the length of a year an day on neptune in earth years?

Each day on Neptune takes 19.1 Earth hours. A year on Neptune takes 164.8 Earth years; it takes almost 165 Earth years for Neptune to orbit the sun once. Since Neptune was discovered in 1846, it has not yet completed a single revolution around the sun.

How long is one day and one year on Neptune Neptune?

A day on Neptune is 16 hours, 6 minutes and 36 seconds. A year on Neptune is 164.8 Earth years.

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shadows are longer in the morning and evening because the earth is rotating and when the earth is facing the sun it is day and when it isn't it is night