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Q: Why TELFAST does not contain any lactose?
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Can you take piriton and telfast?

Piriton and Telfast are both antihistamines that work to treat allergies. Yes, you can take Piriton and Telfast together without any negative interactions.

Does aspartame contain lactose?

No. Lactose is a sugar and contains calories.

Is lactobacillus dairy free?

Lactose free products are NOT the same as dairy free products. If an acidophilus supplement is called lactose free it means it does not do not contain any milk sugar, but it may contain isolated, lactose-free milk protein - so it would NOT be dairy free. A dairy free probiotic means it does not contain either lactose (milk sugars) or milk proteins.

Are prunes lactose-free?

Yes, prunes contain no lactose. Lactose is only found in milk and milk products.

Does milk have glucose and why?

No the untreated milk does not contain glucose. When you put in Lactoid in it than the milk will contain glucose.

Do eggs contain lactose?

No. Eggs do not.

Does milk contain lactose?


Does sweetex contain lactose?


Does lactose contain nitrogen?

No. Lactose is a sugar containing only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Does ham contain lactose?

No. It is a pork product.

Does shredder cheese have lactose?

Aged cheeses, such as Cabot's naturally aged cheddar contain 0 grams of lactose. In fact, unlike many other dairy products, cheese in general is very low in lactose. Most contain less than 1 gram per serving and should not cause any lactose intolerance related symptoms. (cheddar cheese, not shredder cheese, no such thing).

Which of these is most likely to contain lactose?

Dairy products