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Q: Why The Song Dynasty improved the government by incorporating Confucian ideas true or false?
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Did the song dynasty improve the government by incorporating Confucian ideas?

Yes, the Song Dynasty improved the government by incorporating Confucian ideas. They implemented a civil service examination system based on Confucian principles to select government officials. This helped to promote meritocracy and ensure that officials were educated and capable. Additionally, the emphasis on Confucian values such as loyalty, filial piety, and social harmony played a significant role in shaping the governance and policies of the dynasty.

How did the confucian reforms of the Han Dynasty affect Chinese government?

bad >.<

How did the role of Confucian scholars change under the Han Dynasty?

During the Song dynasty, Confucian thinkers blended Buddhism and Dadaism into Confucianism. As a result , Confucianism had broadened its outlook lol this is Anisha Masih

How important were Confucian teachings in the Han Empire?

Confucian teachings were important to the han dynasty because sons of wealthy landowners were able to be educated and have a government career. With the government career they would be able to live a rich life instead of a poor life.

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Confucian Scholars

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What dynasty improved the exam system?

What i think is that the Song Dynasty made the Exam System better, the reason i say that is because back then if you passed the test you will get a government job

What is the relationship between the Song Dynasty development of civil service and Confucian ideal of ren and Li?

The ideals were that they were both were made from China and the Confucian ideals were made by a Chinese person, as the Song dynasty development of civil service was also. Hope this helped your essay :)

What is the relationship between the song dynasty development of civil service and the confucian ideals of ren and li?

The ideals were that they were both were made from China and the Confucian ideals were made by a Chinese person, as the Song dynasty development of civil service was also. Hope this helped your essay :)

Why did Confucian consider agriculture the most important occupation during the Han Dynasty?

They needed to eat

Was the Qin dynasty a confucian state?

No, during the Qin dynasty, legalism was practiced and anything involving confuscism was destroyed. No, during the Qin dynasty, legalism was practiced and anything involving confuscism was destroyed.