

Why The earths surface is younger than the earth?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why The earths surface is younger than the earth?
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the sun because its mass is way bigger than that of earths

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The Earth has more water than land. Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, while only about 29% is covered by land.

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Roughly 71% of Earth is covered by water and because that is well over half there is more water than land on Earths surface

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on the surfaceNote:Since the earth's composition is not homogeneous, the gravitational acceleration onthe surface is probably less than what it is some small distance below the surface,but it's certainly greater than at the center.

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Earth's surface is free to radiate heat into space. The interior is not. The interior does transfer heat the the surface, but rather slowly. It is hot due to residual heat from Earth's formation and from the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements.

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Roughly 70% of the earths surface is covered by water.

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Basically, the atmosphere protects the earth to a great degree and the geological process always going on in and on the earth cover and change many crater sites.

How many times is the suns radius bigger than earths surface?

109 Actually, no. 109 would probably be for Jupiter. For Earth, hundreds of Earth's surface could fit in the sun's radius.

The Earth's surface absorbs more radiant energy from the sun than the atmosphere?

yes the earths surface absorbs more radiant energy from the sun than the atmosphere GOOD LUCK :)

How much more is Earths surface of gravity than the Moon's?

Earths surface of gravity is 4.6m/s2 more than moons.