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The steel boat has more bouyancy because it is mostley filled with air as with the steel ball it is dence and heavy so it sinks

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Q: Why a ball of steel sinks but boat made of steel floats?
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Why a ball made of steel sinks in water while a boat made of steel easily sails in water?

according to Archemidies principle ,"when a body is dipped in water its weight is reduced , this reduction in weight s eqivalent to the volume of water which replaced by the body." when a steel ball dropped in water the weight of replaced water by the ball is less than weight of the ball , so the ball sinks. But in the same condition the volume of water replaced by the boat is more wieghy in comparision to the weigh of boat , hence it floats. The term for this is Bouyance. It also explains why a Dirigible(Zeppelin) airship floats in the air. The Volume of Dirigible weighs less than the Air it displaces. Believe it or not, the same is true for Steel Ships. What I find hard to fathom is how a Ship full of heavy crude Oil floats?

How is it that a boat floats and a paperclip sinks when the paperclip has less mass?

the boat has its mass spread out evenly while a paperclip is like twisted

How does a steel boat float and a flat piece of steel with the same mass sinks?

There is air in the boat so the overall density is less. The weight is spread out.

What is proper tennis etiquette when hitting the ball?

u could hit the ball quietly or grunt repulsively. whatever floats your boat

Name something that floats?

Boat, Bubbles, Inner Tube, Ball, Humans, crap, human body

A light coin sinks and a heavy boat floats why is it so?

It is not the weight of an object that matters, but its density. If it has less density than the water (or other liquid on which it is placed), it will float.

Why did the Egyptian boats not drown when they had rocks for the pyramids?

The water displaced created a force of buoyancy sufficient to keep the boat from sinking. This is the same idea with steel ships. If you take a ball of steel and put it in the water, the steel sinks, but large battleships made entirely of steel float. Why? When as ship presses into the water, it pushes against the water on all points under the water's surface. The water pushes back, more weakly than the boat (otherwise the boat would sit on the water the way a car "sits" on land), but enough to keep the boat from completely sinking.

Will something that has a mass of 13 grams and 11 cubic cm of space float on water?

Not if it's a solid ball. Less grams than cm3 = floats in water* The metric system is cool because it's almost all based on water and how many fingers I have: 1 cubic centimeter of water = 1 milliliter = 1 gram *Why solid ball? The shape of the something makes a big difference. Steel usually sinks, but if it's shaped like a boat, it'll float.

What is a boat car?

it is a boat with wheels or a car that floats

Can you float a block of steel in water?

Not as long as it's still in the shape of a block. But if you re-shape it into the shape of a cup ... whether round or rectangular ... it will float, because it displaces much more water than a block does. If your cup-shape is done artistically and with care, people may call it what it looks like ... a little "boat" or "ship". Those objects are usually made out of re-shaped blocks of steel.

Is there an experiment to show how a boat floats using play dough?

Yes! I recently did this experiment with some students. It tests buoyancy. So first, set up a fish tank with water, about 3/4 of the tank will be full. Take a ball of playdough and drop it into the water. Does it sink? Does it float? If it floats, it's called positive buoyancy, and it sinks, it's called negative buoyancy. If it neither floats nor sinks, it's called neutral buoyancy. Then, take the playdough ball out of the water and flatten it into a boat-like shape. Place it in the water? Does it sink, float? Test it out with some kids, it's pretty cool, and a good way to teach them about buoyancy.

Why is it that when a stone is thrown into a river it goes down the river and a boat made of steel that is heavier than stone coUld float on the river?

it's not a matter of weight, it's a matter of density. The rock is dense, so it sinks. The boat may be steel, but it is also full of air. If it were solid steel it would sink.