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Q: Why a broken spinal column may result in complete paralysis of both legs?
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Can scoliosis cause paralysis?

If the scoliosis is so severe that there is injury to the spinal cord, paralysis could result.

What would most likely happen if the impulses traveling from the brain to the spinal cord were stopped?

The most likely result would be complete paralysis followed by death due to lack of breathing.

Can a fracture of spinal cord result in death?

I dont think so but it can result in full body paralysis.

What causes familiar periodic paralysis?

Familiar (genetic) Periodic paralysis comprises a group of rare genetic diseases that cause symptoms such as muscle weakness, muscle stiffness, and complete paralysis. While there more than 30 different strains of periodic paralysis have been identified, the most common include: * Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis- Caused by reductions in potassium levels, causing the patient to experience weakness and paralysis after eating certain foods or strenuous exercise. * Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis- Associated with an overactive thyroid gland. * Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis- Weakness, paralysis, and stiffness is experienced after fasting or exercise. * Paramyotonia Congenita- Causes muscle stiffness or weakness as a result of cold temperatures, activity, or low potassium. * Potassium Aggravated Myotonia- Causes muscle stiffness as a result of ingesting potassium. * Malignant Hyperthermia-Caused by a reaction to drugs used in general anaesthetics. While diagnosis of partial paralysis can be extremely difficult, research is offering some new developments. Incidents of partial paralysis can be avoided by staying away from certain hormones, foods, and medications.

Can blood pressure cause a paralysis?

yes it can. If high blood pressure is left untreated, it can cause paralysis, loss of bodily function and motor skills are the result.

When the release of ACh is blocked the result is?

When the release of ACh is blocked the result is muscular paralysis. If it isÊblocked the muscles won't be stimulated and the mobility will be affected.Ê

What is the medical term meaning paralysis of the eye?

Facial paralysis means paralysis of the facial nerve which supplies the facial muscles. It can result from exposure to cold, virus infection, trauma, tumour, and post operative trauma to nerve during surgery

Is hemiplegia the total paralysis of the lower half of the body?


How can you complete a table for the equation y equals x-22?

You can't "complete" it, because there are an infinite number of (x, y) pairs that could be included in the table. The best you can do is: -- Decide how many lines you want in the table. -- Pick that many different numbers, and list them in the 'x' column of the table. -- For each number, subtract 22 from it and write the result next to it in the 'y' column.

What is the result when a virus destroys the motor neurons in the spinal cord or brain?

It depends on what part of the brain or spinal cord. If it is in the brain it can cause death or complete paralysis, if it is in the spinal cord e.g. Lower part of the spinal cord you are paralysed from the hips down.

How do you temporarily paralyze someone?

Temporarily Paralyzing SomeonePlaces exist on the body called pressure points. Pressure points can be used to cause temporary paralysis, but it can also result in permanent paralysis or death. If anyone wants to attempt to use pressure points to cause temporary paralysis, proper training is necessary. Even with proper training, there is no guarantee that permanent paralysis or death will not result from this method.

Stalactite and stalagmite when they grow together?

The result is called a "column".