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Some chemical reactions only proceed at high temperatures. Otherwise, the molecules don't have sufficient energy to overcome their initial bonding energy (for example, the two oxygen atoms in an oxygen molecule are bonded together).

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Q: Why a candle doesn't burn unless it is lit up by a match?
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What did the match say to the candle?

I'll burn your head. That is what the match say to candle.

What is a example of how to supply activation energy to begin a reaction?

When a lit match is touched to the wick of a candle, the candle begins to burn. When the match is removed, the candle continues to burn.

Can a candle burn under water?

no unless you are in a submarine.

How long does it take to burn a candle all the way to the bottom?

it depends on the size of the candle. no it really doesnt! so be quitte

Why does a unscented candle burn faster then a scented candle?

unscented candles burn faster because its made with a type of wax that doesnt have fuuels and the less the fuels the faster it burns

Does a scented candle burn faster then a unscented candle?

It shouldn't unless something added to it makes it burn faster. Even a non-scented candle really has a smell, the smell of melting wax.

How fast can a candle burn if it is lit?

There is no way to tell unless you know the size of the candle, the exact makeup and proportions, the environment surrounding the candle etc.

When you burn a candle what is spontaneous combustion?

Burning a candle is not spontaneous combustion. That is when something ignites with no outside heat source. If a candle burst into flame with no match or lighter, THAT would be spontaneous combustion.

Why doesnt the flame of a candle go out when you cover the flame?

a flame will continue to burn until all the oxygen is gone. then it will go out.

Science fair projects-do white candles burn faster than colored candles?

the white candle will burn faster because it doesnt have the extra weight of coloured die

If a plant and a burning candle are placed under a bell jar will the candle burn?

no it will not it needs carbon dioxide to burn, without it theres no way the candle will be able to burn

Which one takes longer to burn rubber or a candle?

a candle takes longer to burn but it smells nicer, especially if it is a scented candle