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The light on a rough surface reflects randomly and moves in random directions so therefore the original order has been disrupted so the new image will not resemble anything and is too spread out.

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Q: Why a rough surface does not form an image?
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Does light reflect off a rough surface?

Yes, light can reflect off a rough surface. When light hits a rough surface, it scatters in different directions due to the uneven surface, causing diffuse reflection. This is why rough surfaces may appear less shiny or reflective compared to smooth surfaces.

Why are image reflected from a rough surface not as clear as those reflected from a smooth surface?

Some light that falls on any surface is scattered back (reflected). A rough surface tends to scatter the light in different directions while a smooth surface tends to scatter more of the original (incident) rays straight back. This explains why a smooth surface reflects a "clearer" image than that reflected from a rough surface.

Why don't you see your reflects image when you look at a Rough white surface?

Severe distortion.

When light is reflected from a rough surface the reflected light does what while producing no image?

Bounces off

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Refracting of the water particles

When light is reflected from a rough surface the reflective light does what producing no image?

because the surface is rough, the waves of light are reflected at different angles, and so r scattered all over the place, hence giving a blurry, or in some cases no image at all

Why rough surface of a catalyst is more effective?

Rough surfaces form irregular surface increase the surface area. Catalytic action is directly proportional to the area of contact.

A platelet plug begins to form when platelets are?

exposed to a rough surface

What is a smooth surface that reflects light to form a image?

A mirror is a smooth surface that reflects light to form an image. It works by bouncing light rays off its surface, allowing light to reflect off at the same angle it hits the mirror. This process creates a virtual image that appears behind the mirror at the same distance as the object in front of it.

Which surface is MOST likely to reflect light and form an image?

A smooth and polished surface, such as a mirror, is most likely to reflect light and form a clear image due to its ability to provide a flat and uniform surface for light to bounce off of uniformly.

What is a 3D collage?

A collage is an art form using materials that can be glued, nailed, stapled, or sewn down to a surface to make an image. A collage is normally a flat surface with usually flat materials that form an image. A 3D collage has a three dimensional image.

What makes the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulm rough?

The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes on its surface. This is what make is "rough"