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thick blubbery fat that generates heat

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Q: Why a whale can survive without antifreeze chemicals?
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Can a whale survive without a blowhole?


What are the things that can't survive without water?

The Whale.

Where does a whale like to live?

In the ocean?, they cant survive without water.

Where do the whale survive?

Colony's of whales all survive in an ocean, most are endangered they all are ones without teeth. All of them eat krill or plankton. The most endangered is the right whale.

How do a whale shark survive?

they survive by protectimg themself.

Can a whale shark accidentally eat a man whole without spitting them out and if yes can they survive 2 hours without dying of digestion while wearing a scuba suit?

No. For as big as the whale shark is, the esophagus is only about he size of a QUARTER! So the whale shark would NOT be able to eat the scuba diver.

Does a whale survive on shark meat?

no because whale is so not into shark meat

Can people survive inside a whale if not killed?


Can you get whale oil from whales without killing the whale?

No, because the oil is in whale blubber, and you cannot remove the blubber from a whale without harming, or killing the whale.

Can you get whale oil from a whale without killing it?

There is no way without killing it.

What are the ingredients in a lipstick?

whale fat,alchole and diffrent chemicals

Is lipstick made out of whale vomit?

No. it is made out of chemicals and dye