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The abacus is considered the first adding machine because it was the first tool that was used to add with. There were not any counting devices until the invention of the abacus in 3000 BC.

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Q: Why abacus considered as first recording adding machine?
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What was an Old fashioned adding machine that starts with ''A''?

An abacus. isabella

How was the abacus originally used?

The abacus was originally used to add and subtract. It was much faster than an adding machine. Its weakness was that it did not leave a paper trail.

What are the earliest computing devices?

1.Abacus 2.Pascals Adding machine 2.Difference Engine 3.Analytical engine above were earliest computing devices.

Has it change the way you live-abacus?

An abacus is an ancient adding machine. In fact, it is the forerunner of the calculator. It has changed the lives of all people because it made math easier and faster, which led to scientific discoveries and inventions.

What was the name of the first adding computer?

Tough question. The sarcastic answer would be your brain but I don't think that is what you want as an answer. If you are talking about a non-electric, mechanical machine that can add, then the first such machine would be an abacus. This was generally used in East Asian countries

How you can add on native American abacus?

by adding

Who invented computers and in what year?

Early computers came in form of abacus and pascals adding machine which are rudimentary calculators but the first modern computer was the difference engine by charles babbage in 1847.

What device is used for adding and subtracting numbers?

Either a calculator or an abacus. If not, your fingers.

What is the adding machine used for?

The adding machine is actually a calculator. but in the mid 1642's it was called an adding machine. it was used to help with mathimatics

In what year was the first adding machine made?

The adding machine was invented by a nineteen-year-old French boy named Blaise Pascal way back in the year 1642. Blaise made it to help his father in his work. The man was a clerk, and all day long he had to do a tremendous number of mathematical calculations. The boy's invention consisted of a wooden box with sixteen dials on it. By turning the dials, one could do simple addition and subtraction very quickly. review: The Abacus can also be considered an "adding" machine. More precisely a counting tool. The oldest surviving counting board is the Salamis tablet (originally thought to be a gaming board), used by the Babylonians circa 300 B.C., discovered in 1846 on the island of Salamis.

What is an adding machine?

An adding machine is a mechanical or electromechanical calculator which could perform addition and subtraction.