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Q: Why absolute zero is a theoretical concept?
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What is the theoretical temperature at which particle movement ends?

absolute zero

What is absulote zero?

Absolute zero is the coldest theoretical temperature; the temperature at which all subatomic movement is zero.

Is there a connection between absolute zero and potential and kinetic energy?

Absolute zero is the (theoretical) limit at which all molecular movement stops (that means that the total kinetic energy of all the molecules in the substance being cooled to absolute zero becomes zero).

Lord Kelvin described the concept of absolute zero temperature and the laws relating the change in thermal energy during chemical reactions What type of chemist would he be considered today?

Theoretical ChemistThermodynamicPhysical Chemistry

The theoretical point at which all molecular motion stops is called?

"absolute zero" or 0 degrees Kelvin.

Similar to absolute zero is there an absolute degree of heat and if so would this be the moment of the Big Bang?

There is no theoretical upper limit for temperature.

What is the temperature of absolute 0?

Absolute Zero is a theoretical temperature where all molecular activity ceases and by international agreement it is set at -273.15 Celsius.

Why is absoulute zero is the theoretical lowest temperature?

Because temperature is actually a measure of molecular/particle movement and absolute zero is where there is no movement at all.

Which organism which does not show molecular movement?

Molecules are constantly in motion. Whether they are free moving, as in a gas, or are vibrating in place, as in a solid object, they still move. an object that has reached the theoretical temperature of absolute zero would have no molecular motion, but absolute zero is purely theoretical and is thereby unattainable.

What temperature is absolute zero in degrees K?

Kelvin (K) is actually the same scale as Celsius (C), but whereas Celsius is set such that zero Celsius is the freezing point of water, the Kelvin scale is set such that zero Kelvin is absolute zero, which is the temperature at which all kinetic. Absolute zero is zero degrees Kelvin, at which point there is no kinetic activity in a molecule or atom. There are presently no theoretical means of achieving absolute zero.

What are the advantages of the Kelvin temperature scale What is absolute zero?

The Kelvin scale is based on the absolute motion of molecules, at absolute zero, there is no motion. Of course this is theoretical, it has never been reached, though we've come close, withen a few thousandths I think.

What is the lowest temperature and what happens at that temperature?

The lowest temperature is known as absolute zero which is equal to 0K (0 Kelvin) and -273.15 Celsius (-459.67F). Absolute zero has never been recorded but is the theoretical temperature of which no heat can be extracted from a system. It is theoretical because at 0K matter would have no pressure and therefore no volume.