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Q: Why after reading over six-hundred volumes in four years would the lawyer spend one year reading the gospel another translation renders it new testament?
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Does reading from the Old Testament come before the New Testament in a Mass?

Yes, the readings usually follow the plan: Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament (Epistle or other non-Gospel reading), Alleluia verse, Gospel in a Sunday Mass. The Second reading is omitted during the week, and the first reading may be from either the Old Testament or the New Testament.

What are the disadvantages of only reading the Old Testament?

This question can be understood in terms of reading only the Old Testament but not the New Testament, or in terms of reading only the Old Testament but nothing else that could contradict or challenge the stories and traditions portrayed in the Old Testament. For a Jew, there is no particular disadvantage in reading the Old Testament but not the New Testament, as the New Testament is not relevant to his religion. For a Christian, the disadvantage is that the books most important to his faith are in the New Testament. Anyone reading only the Old Testament and not what is now known about the history of the times and biblical scholarship on the Old Testament, the disadvantage is that the reader must take everything literally and can not have an informed view as to how literally the Old Testament should be read.

Where does the first reading have to come from?

Usually the Old Testament.

What part of the Bible is the second reading from?

Old Testament

Why first reading is chosen from the Old Testament?

The first reading in Catholic and many Protestant churches is traditionally chosen from the Old Testament to tell of God's promises and his preparation of his people for the coming of the Messiah (his Son).The Old Testament reading harmonizes with the Gospel reading and reveals the continuity between Israel and Jesus who comes not to replace,but to fulfill the scripture.

the old and new testament?

I prefer the new testament, I enjoy reading the gospels

Which books of the Bible do we have reading from during Sunday mass?

During a Sunday service or a Sunday mass, any reading can be taken from the books in the bible, from the book of Genesis to the book of revelation.And usually the sermon is based on these readings.

What part of the bible is the second reading taken from?

old testament

What can we discover from reading the old testament?

Which events happened in what order

What part of the Bible does the first reading come from?

The Old Testament

What is the Septuagint and why is important in the Christian tradition?

A:The Septuagint ('LXX') is an early Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures, that came into widespread use in the Greek-speaking Jewish diaspora by the time of Jesus. It differs in numerous places from the Hebrew scriptures that have come down to us as the Masoretic texts, and most of the differences are attributed to faulty translation. It is important because the New Testament was written in Greek, andall the authors - even Paul - relied on the Septuagint when reading the Old Testament. Errors in the Septuagint are therefore reflected in the New Testament.

What part of the bible does the second reading come from?

It is always from the New Testament. The first reading is usually ( but not always) from the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)