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because the other half of the oxygen is used for the contact stage

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

In the first stage of the contact process, air is passed rapidly to ensure a quick reaction with the catalyst. This rapid flow of air helps distribute the oxygen evenly, leading to efficient conversion of oxygen into oxides. If the air passed slowly, only part of the oxygen would react, resulting in wasted resources.

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Q: Why air passed so fast that only half oxygen is used in 1st stage of contact process?
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Continue Learning about Chemistry

Is glucose and oxygen needed during the respiration system?

Yes, glucose and oxygen are needed in the respiratory system for the process of cellular respiration. Glucose is used to create energy through the process of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, while oxygen is necessary for the final stage of cellular respiration, which is the electron transport chain where ATP is produced.

Which stage of photosynthesis does water split into hydrogen and oxygen?

The splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen occurs during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. This process takes place in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and is driven by light energy captured by chlorophyll.

What is glycolysis when oxygen is available?

Glycolysis, in the presence of oxygen, is the first stage of cellular respiration where glucose is broken down into pyruvate. This process occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell and produces a small amount of ATP and NADH. The pyruvate then enters the citric acid cycle to further extract energy from it.

When do cells use oxygen to release energy?

Cells use oxygen to release energy during cellular respiration, specifically in the final stage called the electron transport chain. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in this process, allowing for the production of ATP, which is the cell's main source of energy. Without oxygen, cells cannot efficiently produce ATP through aerobic respiration.

What is a chemical reaction summarizing the reactants used and the end products in the first stage?

A chemical reaction is a process that involves the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances. In the first stage, reactants such as hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water as the end product. This reaction is represented by the equation: 2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O.

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Suggest an explanation for the importance of oxygen in the early stage of chemistry's development?

Oxygen was important in the early stage of chemistry's development because of the fundamental roles of air (including oxygen) in the life of a human and the process of combustion. The earliest elements defined included air, along with earth, water, and fire.

What stage does Glucose metabolism that does not require oxygen to proceed?

Anaerobic glycolysis is the stage of glucose metabolism that does not require oxygen to proceed. It involves breaking down glucose into pyruvate to produce ATP. This process is used by cells when oxygen levels are low, such as during intense exercise.

Which stage of cellular respiration produces the most ATP?

The Electron Transport process is the third process in cell respiration, it requires oxygen directly. The electron transport "chain" is a series of electron carriers in the membrane of the mitochondria. Through a series of reactions, the "high energy" electrons are passed to oxygen. In the process, a gradient is formed, and ultimately ATP (Adinosine triphosphate), an energy molecule is formed.Therefore this stage produces the most ATP.

What is the last stage of photosynthesis?

The last stage of photosynthesis is the Calvin cycle, also known as the light-independent reactions. In this stage, ATP and NADPH produced during the light-dependent reactions are used to convert carbon dioxide into glucose.

What is the last stage in the writing process?

The last stage in the writing process is Publishing.

What stage of the listening process might include an alert posture appropriate facial expressions and direct eye contact?

The stage of the listening process that includes an alert posture, appropriate facial expressions, and direct eye contact is the active listening stage. This type of body language signals to the speaker that you are fully engaged in the conversation and interested in what they have to say. It helps create a positive listening environment and promotes effective communication.

What is the role of oxygen in the specific stage of respiration where it participates?

In the specific stage of cellular respiration known as the electron transport chain, oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor. Oxygen combines with electrons and protons to form water, allowing the process to continue and produce ATP efficiently.

How Cellular respiration and fermentation different?

for cellular respiration a process of oxidation takes place at some stage (aerobic) while in fermentation it is in abscence of oxygen(anaerobic)

Is glucose and oxygen needed during the respiration system?

Yes, glucose and oxygen are needed in the respiratory system for the process of cellular respiration. Glucose is used to create energy through the process of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, while oxygen is necessary for the final stage of cellular respiration, which is the electron transport chain where ATP is produced.

Which stage of respiration occurs whether or not oxygen is present?

Glycolysis literally means "splitting sugars." Glucose, a six carbon sugar, is split into two molecules of a three carbon sugar. In the process, two molecules of ATP and two "high energy" electron carrying molecules are produced. Glycolysis can occur with or without oxygen. In the presence of oxygen, glycolysis is the first stage of cellular respiration. Without oxygen, glycolysis allows cells to make small amounts of ATP. This process is called fermentation.

What are the stages of the annealing process?

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Final stage of the writing process?

publishing is the final stage((: