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They do get attracted, but their momentum is too high to be "captured" by the electrons.

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Q: Why alfa particles do not get attracted by the electrons present in the atom when gold foil is bambarded by positively charged helium ions?
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Beta particles are attracted by atomic nuclei because?

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Electrons are electrically-charged particles. Specifically, they carry a negative charge. Electrons are attracted to the nucleus which contains positively charged protons.

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No, Electrons are negatively charged.

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Yes, because an electron is negatively charged, and opposite charges repel.

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Because the alpha particles are positively charged. In order for the experiment to work, the positive alpha particles must be attracted to the negatively charged gold foil.

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In an atom of antimatter, that would be true, in an atom of matter that would be false.

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Typically, the two particles that are attracted to each other are protons and electrons.

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The electron has a negative charge, so it would attract and be attracted by particles of opposite/unlike charge (positive charge) such as protons.

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Positively charged particles in an atom are called protons.

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No, they are not. They are negative.