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Lithium hydroxide is soluble in water.

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Q: Why alkali metal are crystalline solids and highly soluble in water except LiOH?
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What are properties of sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride is a colorless, crystalline salt which is highly soluble in water.

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NaNO3 is highly soluble in room-temperature water.

What is the color of manganese sulphate and what is its solubility?

manganese sulphate is pale pink colored crystalline powder & it is highly soluble in water

What does it mean for something to be an alkali metal?

It means that, except in the case of hydrogen, it has one electron in its valency shell. This makes it highly reactive.

Is NH4Cl a acid or base?

It is a white crystalline salt that is highly soluble in water. Solutions of ammonium chloride are mildly acidic.

What are features of the alkali metals?

Alkali metals have only one valence electron and all of these elements are highly reactive. All of them are metals. Except lithium, other elements can be cut by a blade. They have a lesser density than water.

Is sodium silicate soluble in water?

Yep, it is highly soluble

Is sugar a solute for methylated spirits?

Glucose are crystalline, colorless solids that are poorly soluble in both ethanol and methanol. However they are highly soluble in acetic acid and water.

Is KCN soluble?

Yes, Potassium cyanide is highly soluble in water die to being a highly reactive acid.

Are alkali metals highly reactive?

Yes, the Alkali metals are highly reactive. Use the related question (linked below) to learn why this is so.

Is magnesium chloride a soluble in water?

Yes, they are highly soluble in water

Is bleach acid or alkali?

Bleach contains Sodium hypochlorite and it is an alkali.