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Q: Why ankle swelling due to calcium channal blockers?
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Is my swollen ankle casued by peroneal tendonities?

Yes, peroneal tendonitis can cause swelling of the ankle, but can also be caused by inflammation due to another ankle injury which has caused the swelling.

What does a pop and swelling on the ankle indicate?


What do you wear when you have a sprained ankle?

If the ankle is twisted then you should apply a cold pack or ice to the ankle. And an important thing to remember is if you twist your ankle whilst wearing boots with ankle support, you should try and leave the boot on as it will be containing the swelling; and taking it off could cause further swelling.

What is treatment of ankle pain and swelling after plaster remove?

After removal of plaster there is swelling prescribe gtreatment please

What is wronge with my ankle I fell in a ditch and hurt my ankle. No swelling. Alittle bruishing. Very painful.?

its probably a sprain.

If your running and you role your ankle what should you do?

You should ice the ankle immediately. Ice ankle in 15 to 20 minute intervals. There will likely be swelling and bruising to the ankle. This is common. See you doctor.

What are the symptoms presented for ankle tendonitis?

Bruising is not a symptom of ankle tendonitis. The symptoms include pain in the tendons and swelling around the malleoli bones and backside of the ankle.

Why your neck swelling and your ankle was affected?

because when your neck swells it weights more so when ever you stand on your ankle it puts more pressure on your ankle so in affects it to

How does one get ankle tendonitis?

Ankle tendonitis is caused by inflammation surrounding the tendon in your ankle. Symptoms include pain and sometimes swelling, which typically occurs with increased activity.

What is a osselots in a horse?

An osselots is a swelling of the ankle joint below the cannon bone.

Your ankle is still swollen after 11days of spraining your ankle?

My ankle just stopped swelling 2 days ago witch was 2 months after I sprained it! so it may be swollen for a while

What can cause excessive ankle swelling during pregnancy?

There are a couple of things that can cause ankle swelling during pregnancy. When pregnant your body produces and retains more fluid. Your uterus is growing which puts pressure on your veins, which impairs the return of blood to your heart. Things to do to relieve ankle swelling is to stay off your feet as much as possible, sleep on your side and drink plenty of fluids.