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because when it is dissolved in water calcium hydroxide is formed

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17m ago

Aqueous solutions of calcium oxide (CaO) are basic because they produce hydroxide ions when dissolved in water. Calcium oxide reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide, which dissociates to release hydroxide ions, increasing the pH of the solution and making it basic.

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Q: Why aqueous solution of oxide of calcium is basic?
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Is calcium oxide a basic oxide?

Yes, Calcium oxide is an alkaline as when Calcium oxide reacts with water (H2O) it dissolves as it is a soluble metal oxide. The solution produced when this occurs is an alkaline solution. This proves that Calcium oxide is an alkaline

Why is calcium oxide described as a base?

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Is Calcuim oxide corrosive?

Yes, calcium oxide is corrosive. It reacts with water to produce calcium hydroxide, which is strongly alkaline and can cause burns on contact with skin. It is important to handle calcium oxide with care and use appropriate protective equipment.

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One way to prove that a metal oxide is basic is to test its reaction with water. If a metal oxide dissolves in water to form a basic solution, it indicates that the metal oxide is basic. Additionally, you can also perform litmus paper test; if the litmus paper turns blue when dipped in a solution containing the metal oxide, it confirms the basic nature of the metal oxide.

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Limewater can be made by adding calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to water to produce calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). The chemical reaction is CaCO3 + H2O -> Ca(OH)2 + CO2. The resulting solution is limewater, which is commonly used in various chemical tests.

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Magnesium oxide is a substance that can neutralize acid without leaving an alkaline solution. When it reacts with an acid, magnesium oxide forms magnesium chloride and water, with no excess alkalinity left in the solution.

Which element has a basic oxide of the type MO used to treat acidic soils?

Calcium (Ca) is the element with a basic oxide of the type MO, which is calcium oxide (CaO). This compound, also known as quicklime, is commonly used to neutralize acidic soils by increasing the soil's pH level.

What happen when carbon dioxide is passed to a solution of calcium oxide?

Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is obtained.

What is the net ionic equation for calcium carbonate when heated forms calcium oxide and carbon dioxide?

Unless the equation has an aqueous compound in it, there is no net ionic equation. CaCO3 ====CO2+ CaO becouse its not in an aqueous solution no net ionic is needed you science teacher probably just wants to see if know when to use net ionic equations