

Why are 2 weeks taken off your ultrasound scan age?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Because it's about 12 days of conception

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Q: Why are 2 weeks taken off your ultrasound scan age?
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Is the EDD given to you on your scan date from your LMP or by the date of conception?

EDD is ESTIMATED. If done by scan is 38 weeks from conception. An EDD is based on the LMP (last menstrual period) and not the date of conception. The ultrasound measurements are comparing the baby to the expected size of other babies at the same gestational age. The earlier the ultrasound is done in the pregnancy, the more accurate it will be. Hope this helps! Dr. B.

What is a prenatal scan?

Typically, a prenatal scan indicates having a sonogram/ultrasound performed. This scan can determine the baby's heart rate, size and weight and is a better predictor of gestational age. After week 20, expectant parents often are able to ascertain the sex of their unborn child through ultrasound.

How soon can an ultrasound hear a baby heart beat?

About 3 months, usually respiratory system of the baby develops at 12 weeks of age. ** The fetus's heart starts beating at five weeks gestation. Through an ultrasound you can see the ultrasound at about 6-7 weeks. With a fetal Doppler you can hear the heart beat at about 9 weeks.

If you do not know your LMP and have an ultrasound and you are about 15 weeks pregnant is that when they think the LMP was or is that the baby's age?

Usually the doctors say the age is LMP. So if they say 15 weeks, it'd be about 13 weeks since conception.

Vaginal ultrasound at 7 weeks no baby I am measuring 5 weeks but could it be a miscarriage and they aren't telling me i go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound?

I understand what you are saying when you say messuring, they messure the sac and it calculates what the size is to get the age of the sac/fetus.

If your ultrasound said fetal age is 7 weeks but your LMP was 9 weeks ago should you worry?

No, sometimes doctors get the dates wrong or sometimes the baby is a little ahead or behind in growth. I would go by the Ultrasound.

Can a fetus be detected at 4 to 5 weeks on a scan?

Using ultrasound, yes. I had one done at 4 weeks with my first pregnancy. No everyone will see it though. Its very small..

What is prenatal scanning?

Typically, a prenatal scan indicates having a sonogram/ultrasound performed. This scan can determine the baby's heart rate, size and weight and is a better predictor of gestational age. After week 20, expectant parents often are able to ascertain the sex of their unborn child through ultrasound.

Can your last menstrual period show twenty three weeks but your ultrasound show twenty seven weeks which is more accurate?

ultrasound is more accurate. Measurments of the fetus are made during ultasound that give a more accurate gestational age

What numbers on ultrasound tells how many weeks pregnant you are?

Most ultrasound machines don't list how far along you are on the pictures that are printed. The technician that is running the machine can have the computer calculate the age of the fetus using measurements.

What age are Pygmy goats taken from their mother?

Does will self wean their kids at about 12 to 14 weeks of age.

When can baby goats be taken from the mother?

It depends on whether you are going to bottle feed them or not. If not they can be weaned at 12 to 14 weeks of age.