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== == Africanized or Killer bees are different that domesticated or European bees in that they produce greater quantities of honey that is sweeter, and they are much more aggressive for less reason and they produce more and stronger sting venom. Where European bees will defend their hive if intruded upon (the reason beekeepers use smudge pots to anesthetize the bees), Africanized bees will actually pursue intruders and continue to sting him even after he has died, and they may interpret an intruder as no more than a passerby.

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Q: Why are African Honey Bees called killer bees?
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What is the common name of the Killer Bee?

The Africanized honey bee. Euorpean honey bees were breed with African honey bees, creating a hybrid bee known as the Africanized honey bee, or killer bee.

What do killer bees eat?

So-called killer bees, more properly called Africanized honey bees, eat the same as any other honey bee: pollen and nectar.

What is the scientific name of killer bees?

Africanized honey bees (AHB), known colloquially as "killer bees" or Africanized bees, are hybrids of the African honey bee, Apis mellifera scutellata (not A. m. adansonii; see Collet et al., 2006), with various European honey bees such as the Italian bee A. m. ligusticaand A. m. iberiensis.

What are killer bees?

aggressive honey bees

Do killer bees lay eggs?

The so-called 'killer bees', more properly called Africanized honey bees, are like any other honey bee and have exactly the same life-cycle. So, yes, they do lay eggs.

What kind of jobs does killer bees have?

The so-called 'killer bees', more properly called Africanised honey bees, are simply a cross between two species of honey bee, and as such their life cycles and tasks are exactly the same as any other species.

Why are there different types of bees?

Well, Theres killer bees. And honey bees. Honey bees collect food for there family/home members. Killer bees protect the hive and also try to gather food honey bees dont sting. there nice =))

Why are killer bees so aggressive?

Killer bees are so aggressive because when they were cross-bred. They were meant to produce honey fast but it turns out they don't produce honey well and there just mean. I think there so aggressive because of the African bees (That was one of the types of bees that was cross breaded to make this species).

What is the difference between Africanized bees and honey bees?

africanized bees are more aggressive and attack whatever approaches their hive. also called killer bees

What is the family of killer honey bees?

a fish

Do killer bees make as much honey as other bees?


Do African bees die after stinging?

African honey bees, like all other honey bees, have barbed stings and if they lose them they will die.