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There are two reasons Athena and Poseidon were enemy's.

Reason 1

Zeus,King of the Gods, proposed an offer that anyone who could make a worthy enough gift would be made the patron of a city and have it named after them.Athena and Poseidon both decided to compete.Athena's gift was an Olive tree, too represent happiness and peace.Poseidon's gift was a white horse to protect the city from invaders.Zeus chose Athena to be the patron of the city; Now called Athens. Supposedly Poseidon was angry at Zeus's choice and placed a curse on Athens.The curse was for them to never have enough water.It is said since then Athens has had major water shortage problem continuing still today.

Reason 2

Poseidon and his girlfriend Medusa were caught kissing in Athena's sacred temple.Athena cursed Medusa to turn anyone who looked at her into stone and hated Poseidon from then on.

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Who were Athenas 27 enemies?

Some of Athena's rivals are Medusa, Aphrodite, and Poseidon.

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No Poseidon did not have a crush on Athena. Athena was the niece of Poseidon, her father was Zeus the brother of Poseidon. Athena was a virgin goddess.

Why did Athena hate Poseidon?

Athena and Poseidon were rivals in the contest for Athens. When Athena won and became the patron goddess of the city, there were still some tensions between the two. The other reason why Athena hated Poseidon was because she caught him and his girlfriend Medusa in her temple and felt very insulted.

Why was Athena a foe of Poseidon?

Athena and Poseidon are enemies because the once both wanted a new city. They decided to have a contest for the city. Whoever could give the most useful gift to the city would win. Poseidon created a spring which was too salty to use. Athena made an olive tree. Athena's gift was judged the better of the two, so she won. She decided to name the city Athens. Athena and Poseidon were rivals ever since.

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No, Athena is not the wife of Poseidon, in some myths Poseidon is the father of Athena; but the wife of Poseidon is Amphitrite.

What goddess did Poseidon not get along with?

Athena, they were rivals ever since they fought over Athens...I think you can tell who won from the name of the city.

How is Athena related to Poseidon?

Poseidon and Zeus are brothers. Athena is Zeus' daughter. Therefore, Athena is Poseidon's niece.

Why do poseiden and Athena not get along?

Athena and Poseidon did not get along because they were rivals in being the Patron God of Athens. A contest was held to see which god could give Athenians a greater gift. Athena won by giving the Greeks an Olive tree.

Why was Athena's enemy Poseidon?

The reason they were enemies is because of the war that Poseidon started.

What is Athena and Posidon's relationship like?

Poseidon is Athena's uncle. Athena is the daughter of Zeus, and Poseidon is Zeus's brother.