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Hunting is one reason, a lot of people eat them. Another is capturing babies to be bred and/or sold in pet stores. Another theory suggests that global temperature change is responsible for the decline, because the sex of any reptile is determined by the heat the egg is kept at.

Further information:

Populations of marine iguanas decline regularly as a result of the weather phenomenon known as El Niño. El Niño, which brings drought conditions to the South Pacific, causes declines in food supply. In addition, predation by introduced species such as cats and dogs also poses a threat to the young marine iguanas. Many simply do not live to maturity.

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11y ago

i would guees because poaching and the little island they live in

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11y ago

Because of habitat destruction

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Q: Why are Barrington land iguanas endangered?
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Are land iguanas endangered?


Are igunas an endangered species?

no, iguanas are not a endangered species

Why are blue iguana's endangered?

Blue iguanas are probably endangered because most of their habitat is taken over by humans. Or cities are being built where there are. Either the blue iguana takes millions of years to adapt to their surroundings, move to one of the few places that they can live in, or die.

What do land iguanas eat?

Land iguanas are mainly herbivores. Though occasionally they will eat insects or scavenge for carcases.

Why is an iguana not endangered?

Because Iguanas are an adaptable reptile and there are many populations of them in areas around the equator

Why are iguana's endangered?

Blue iguanas are probably endangered because most of their habitat is taken over by humans. Or cities are being built where there are. Either the blue iguana takes millions of years to adapt to their surroundings, move to one of the few places that they can live in, or die.

How would Galapagos land iguana use tail?

It depends on the type, water or land. Watre iguanas use them to grip rocks so the current wont wash it way, the land and water iguanas use them for balance.

What is the Difference between marine iguanas and land iguanas?

Marine iguanas, uniquely among all lizards, can forage in the sea, feeding on salt-saturated seaweed and exuding salt via tears.

Does Ecuador have any endangered species?

Yes, Ecuador has many endangered species. Among the endangered are: Condors, Galapagos Giant Tortoises, Galapago Penguins, Lazy Bears, Iguanas, Albatrosses, White Sharks, and many more.

How do land iguanas eat?

They open their mouths, grab the food, and swallow !

Where in the world are Galapagos Land Iguanas found?

in the galapagos islands, south America

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