

Why are CO2 detectors used?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Well the science behind using carbon dioxide is kinda simple! Why are they made? To catch people like asylum-seekers and refuges who are doing bad. They detectors sense carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is science so you have to explain about carbon dioxide and respiration. We give out co2 afta breathin in oxygen right? well that's science! there you go quite simpal init..?!

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12y ago
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Carbon dioxide detectors are used to identify and to measure carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. These detectors are near infrared detectors or chemical detectors.

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Because it skins of poo

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It wastes energy

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What are co2 detectors used for?

CO2 detectors are used for detecting levels of carbon monoxide in the air. Many people use CO2 detectors in their homes to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

What are the reasons for CO2 detectors being used?

i dn't

What is the science behind the using Carbon Dioxide Detectors?

the co2 Detectors detects co2 and in the thing they should be about 0.03 co2 if not they something living in there

Why are CO2 detectors being used by the UK border agency?

CO2 (carbon dioxide) is present in the breath exhaled by the body. Sensitive CO2 detectors sample the air from inside trucks as they arrive from Europe. They can detect illegal immigrants hiding in the truck as the level of CO2 would be higher than it would be if people hadn't been in there breathing out CO2 for ages while the truck crossed The Channel.also they of couldn't of breathed with air for the the journey

Why are carbon dioxide detectors used in border control?

they were used in border control because they were trying to stop illegal immigrints going from country to country;so the detectors monitor the level of co2 in the lorry and if it is over a certain number they searched the lorry wolfiepagefan001

Are rechargable batteries better for CO2 detectors?

Rechargable batteries are a good option for CO@ detectors,please make sure you cahrge them regularly.

What is the science behind using co2 detectors?

CO2 detectors work by measuring the level of carbon dioxide in the air. When the CO2 level rises above a certain threshold, the detector triggers an alarm to alert individuals of potential danger. High levels of CO2 can indicate poor ventilation and pose health risks, making CO2 detectors essential for monitoring indoor air quality and safety.

What was used in fire detectors before americium?

The first smoke detectors are based on optical principles - photoelectric detectors.

How long has americium been used in smoke detectors?

Americium has been used in smoke detectors since the 1950s. Its radioactive properties make it ideal for ionizing smoke particles in the detector, allowing it to quickly detect smoke and trigger the alarm.

How are carbon dioxide detectors used by the UK border aagency?

Carbon dioxide detectors are used by the UK border agency to detect individuals hiding in vehicles or containers attempting to cross the border. These detectors are sensitive to the carbon dioxide that humans exhale, helping border officers identify any hidden individuals. The use of these detectors enhances border security and helps prevent illegal entry into the country.

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Why detectors are used?

Because it skins of poo