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Q: Why are CO2 levels high in people with COPD?
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What are the symptoms of high CO2 levels?

what is considered high levels of co2

Can high Co2 levels cause a stroke?

yes and strock can cause high co2

What are bodily symptoms of increased CO2 levels?

Increase in confusion, and finally loss of consciousness, coma and death (with high enough CO2 levels).

High CO2 Count in a blood test?

at a co2 of 100 or so the person will be confused and sleepy. The lungs taking in the oxygen are not exhaling forcefully enough to expel the co2. This is usually due to lung problems such as COPD

Explain what would happen to CO2 and nox if the co levels were high?

CO2 levels would go down because CO2 is an efficiency indicator and high co levels means it would be a rich condition so efficiency would be low and in a rich condition nox goes down

Is using oxygen contraindicated in patients with COPD?

There is a perpetuated myth in the healthcare community that high levels of oxygen can "stop a patient from breathing". This concept is widely viewed as a reason to withhold oxygen from people suspected of suffering from COPD, with the result being under-treated patients. There is research that suggests that administration of too much oxygen in the blood can cause negative changes in the cardiovascular system. Please note the main difference between DELIVERING high concentrations and the patient absorbing too much oxygen. People with breathing problems may receive high concentrations but not be able to absorb it. This is not a reason to withhold oxygen. Current protocols suggest that heathcare practitioners deliver as much oxygen as is necessary to achieve and maintain normal blood concentrations but not to allow too much to enter the bloodstream (they can check it easily without having to take blood).

What are normal co2 levels in the body?

What are normal CO2 levels in the human bod

How does you body know when to take a breath?

most people by measuring the amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in your bloodstream. if you have COPD then the body checks on the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream

Can you get brain damage from high levels of co2?

The brain and lungs continually use an O2-CO2 feedback mechanism. High CO2 in the body triggers us to breathe. High CO2 in the air, however, eventually cause us to stop breathing after period of deceased oxygen. This causes brain damage and can cause organ damage.

How do o2 And co2 diffuse through the cell membrane?

The most important part of breathing is to get carbon dioxide out of the body and get oxygen into the body. On the walls of everyone's lungs are alveoli , small functional units of the lungs ( alveoli look like a cluster of grapes) which permit the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide into / out of the bloodstream. Without these we wouldn't be able to get that poisonous gas carbon dioxide out, nor get oxygen in. So without these two crossing we wouldn't be able to live. In some lung conditions, the alveloi collapse; they don't have the smooth, round surface of healthy alveoli. People with COPD have trouble getting CO2 out and getting O2 in. In very severe COPD, the brain partly switches to recognizing the higher CO2 levels. Giving COPD patients high oxygen levels can actually stop their breathing. So whereas healthy lungs can tolerate 8 Liters of O2 per minute, a COPD patient may only tolerate 2 or 3 Liters of O2 per minute. Reduced O2 transfer and retention of CO2 creates lower O2 perfusion of tissues, blue lips, and fingertip clubbing often with slow return of blood to nailbeds, with the inability to take in enough O2.

The concept of fire prevention is to?

Preserve the land and keep out high levels of CO2 also known as carbon dioxide.

Why would a house have high CO2 levels?

Carbon Dioxide, or CO2 is expelled when you exhale. Therefore, if there are a lot of people in a small area with poor ventilation, CO2 levels will rise somewhat. CO2 is a harmless gas.I hope you're not talking about CO, which is carbon monoxide, which can kill you. You should have a carbon monoxide detector which would tell you if it is detected. If it is, you need to leave and ventilate the area.Another source of both CO and CO2 is a fire. Burning many things release these gasses (including smoking).