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The question makes a generalization about Christians that is largely untrue. As with all faiths, there are a few who make harsh judgments based on their beliefs. Also, as with almost all faiths, their judgments go beyond the call of their own faith.

The Christian faith has a core principle of forgiveness. Many other faiths share the same principle. Those few people who are unable to forgive and who are unable to tolerate other beliefs and values might not have their own faith quite right.

The majority of Christians and those of other faiths go about their business quietly and with a grace that doesn't get them noticed. Those who are noticed are the ones that are more vocal and more keen to express their opinions and impose their beliefs on others. Those few cause judgments to be made about Christians generally despite their small numbers.

One must not be quick to judge all Christians as bigots. That broad judgment in itself could be considered to be bigotry.

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