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Q: Why are Columbus and Magellan important?
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Are the Voyages of Columbus more important then the other explorers?

Ferdinand Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the world. Christopher Columbus discovered the West Indies. Who is more important is entirely your opinion. However, people recognize Christopher Columbus more the Magellan typically.

In what order did these explorers make expeditions Vespucci Magellan Balboa and Columbus?

Columbus, Vespucci, Balboa, and Magellan

Who were the three most important explorers?

It depends on your point of view, I personally believe they are Magellan, Columbus, and Leif Eriksson

Who explored first Christopher Columbus or Ferdinand Magellan?

Christopher Columbus.

What explorer was before Magellan?

Columbus had discovered the Bahamas in 1492.

Who came first Christopher Columbus or Ferdinand Magellan?

Marco Polo (1253-1324) came first.Juan Ponce de León (1460 - 1521) Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521

Compare the voyages of Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan.?

Columbus only went to the Bahamas while Magellan traveled around the world. Magellan didn't survive his voyage after he was killed. Columbus will die sick and broke suing the Spanish crown for failing to honor their contract with him.

What did Ferdinand Magellan learn about?

Ferdinand Magellan learnt about Vasco De Gama and Christofer Columbus.

Who else explored Spain with Ferdinand Magellan?

Christopher Columbus also explored Spain with Magellan

Who is footsteps did Magellan want to follow?

It is a possible chance that Magellan wanted to follow Christopher Columbus.

Could Columbus have attended Magellan's funeral?

wdf? =]

Did Columbus and Magellan sail the same ocean?
