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Begonia plants do shed their flowers; however new ones will soon be on the way.

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Q: Why are Flowers are falling off begonia plant?
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How does a flower help?

I think flowers help flowers grow bye the peddles falling off and the seeds falling out on the ground to prevent a cycle of on going flowers :)

What happen to the plant if someone plucks off all the flowers?

The plant will not die, it will still continue to grow.

If a groundhog eats the flowers off a vegetable plant zucchini and squash will it still make vegetables?

If a groundhog eats the flowers off a vegetable plant zucchini and squash, it will not make vegetables.

How can you produce more flowers on a begonia?

The trick to growing begonia's is making sure a few of the flowers' needs are met. First remember that too much sun will cause burning and wilting. If they don't get enough indirect light they will not produce flowers or grow new branches. The other concern is soil. Sandy soil is almost as bad as clay soil. Adding amendments like peat moss or mulch will give you best results. Begonia's are acid-loving and require slow release fertilizer like: Dynamite or Osmoscote. If you notice dead/dying branches, cut them off to keep the plant's energy focused on new branches and blooms. These are the general needs of Begonias so remember to keep an eye on them to see if the type you have require more care.

What to do after your flowers have died off on your chrysanthemums?

You can trim the plant back to about three inches and mulch the plant.

Do you keep the flowers on tomato plants?

If you pick off the flowers, you will not get any tomatoes. The fruit form as the flowers die away. However to give the plant a better chance of producing the best fruit, leave five trusses of flowers and pick off the rest

What do flowers give off?

They show love from the person you got them from if you are going out with someone and they dont give you flowers,dont worry just give it time and they will.

What could cause green bean flowers to drop off the plant?

Green bean flowers are generally very prone to drop off the plant before maturity. It happens due to the formation of abscession layer in its pedicle.

If all the flowers are picked off of the plant what happens?

Generally the plant will grow more flowers because the others were picked off before they could form seeds. Other plants will just try again next year.

When do you take the seeds off wall flowers?

Seed flowers can be harvested when the flowers begin to dry on the plant. The best time is when you touch the flower and petals begin to fall.

Will cutting off flowers hurt the mint plant?

No. As a matter of fact, it improves plant health. Mint will stay robust with regular trimming.

Why are the flowers of granadilla plant dropping off?

somebody told me its because the soil lacks potasium. is that true