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becaouse they r

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Q: Why are Krill considered a key species in the Southern Ocean ecosystem?
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Why do krill live in the southern waters of the Antarctic?

This animal -- Euphasia supberba -- is the base of the Southern Ocean's food chain. It is the natural habitat for this animal. Thirty one other species of krill populate other oceans.

What role does krill play in the trophic levels of the ecosystem?

krill is a food source for whales

Which continent do Krill thrive in cold waters abound in a fragile ecosystem around?

Krill thrive in the continent of Antarctica

Why are krill important to the antarctic ecosystem?

Krill serve as a vital food source for many species in the Antarctic ecosystem, including whales, seals, and seabirds. They help transfer energy from phytoplankton to higher trophic levels, playing a crucial role in the food web. Additionally, krill play a key role in carbon sequestration as they consume phytoplankton near the ocean's surface and transport the carbon to deeper waters when they die.

What does krill eat in an ecosystem?

They usually eat plankton, Organisms, and algae

Is krill going to extinct?

The Krill are an endangered species because they eat organisms that live in coral reefs and coral is also going extinct. This will also affect the whale species because whales eat the krill species and without krill to eat the they will become extinct. and as you know if the coral goes extinct so will the krill.

Where do krill live around Antarctica?

Krill survive in the Southern Ocean which surrounds the Antarctic continent.

What do you think would happen if krill were to vanish from the ecosystem?

the ecosystem will be unbalenced because the krill that blue whales used to eat will reproduce again and again and soon there will be too many of them

What organism produces most of the food in aquatic ecosystem?

Its probably krill, or algae.

Do krill breed in Antarctica?

No. Krill breed in the Southern Ocean that surrounds the continent of Antarctica. They do not breed on land.

What part of antarctica does krill come from?

Krill are the foundation of the food chain in the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica.

What is an Southern whales food chain?

a food chain is a chain about a whale what a whale eats is a krill for e.x whales eat krill,krill eats phytacton