

Why are Siberian tigers extinct?

Updated: 3/31/2020
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13y ago

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I am happy to report that Siberian tigers are not extinct. Unfortunately, they are endangered, and could become extinct if people do not stop poachers who kill them (and all types of tigers), for their beautiful hides.

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How can you stop Siberian tigers from getting extinct?

To stop Siberian Tigers from becoming extinct we can stop destroying their natural habitat and do not buy any animal parts.

Why do Siberian tigers need your help?

because they are going extinct

Is there a reason to save the Siberian tigers?

yes because there going extinct

How many years till Siberian tigers are estimated to be extinct?

Actually, the Siberian's numbers are on the rise, to nearly 600.

What would happen if the Siberian tigers go extinct?

Siberian tigers are not extinct. They are one of the sub species of tigers that numbers are actually increasing, nearly 550 in the wild.

Are White Siberian tigers extinct?

The white tigers are bengals, not siberians, and none are currently in the wild. All are in captivity.

When did Siberian tiger become extinct?

Siberian tigers are not extinct yet, although there may be a few left in very remote regions, but most are found in zoos.

Why is the white Siberian tigers do not become extinct?

White tigers are Bengals, not Siberians, and none have been seen in the wild for years.

Where can you find saber tooth tigers?

They are extinct but the used to be found pretty much everywhere you now get modern tigers, be they Siberian or otherwise

What chance is there that a Siberian tiger will become extinct?

there are about 501 Siberian tigers. Indeed the South China tiger may have become extinct in the last few years - a The chances for each Siberian tiger to be a white tiger is one out of 10000. Female tigers will carry their babies for 3 to 3 1/2 months

Who are the white tigers mutual with?

Siberian tigers Siberian tigers

Can you name some of the many different tigers?

The tigers that aren't extict are: Bengal,Sumatran,Siberian,Indo-Chinese and the Chinese may be extinct it may not.