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well the life of the biotic venus piluophious plantus is not in danger at the moment. Scienists in Sweden have discovered a medicine from the flyus plantus piluophious that can heal both itself and human beings.

Dr. tuner Gravis says that if we are able to use properly the population of plantus flyus trapuses will increase.

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Q: Why are Venus Flytrap endangered plants?
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The Venus Flytrap are plants due to how their cells are made up. The Venus Flytrap contains plant cells and does not go through respiration like an animal does.

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no.they don't!they are plants.

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No. Plants are not 'invented'.

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some insectivorous plants for ex. venus flytrap

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i don't believe venus flytraps have backbones because they are plants

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Yes. What do you think a Venus Flytrap is?