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Q: Why are a molecules atoms as far away as they can get?
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Why are a molecules atoms as far away from each other as they can get?

Forces between electron pairs push the atoms apart.

Why are a molecules atoms as far away from each other as thet can get?

Forces between electron pairs push the atoms apart.

Why are molecules atom's as far away from each other as they can get?

APEX!!!Forces between electron pairs push the atoms apart.

What happens to the atoms in water when water boils?

The atoms speed up building up kenetic energy which forces them apart and that is what turns the liquid into a gas

Why are molecule's atoms as far away from each other as they can get?

Molecules adopt arrangements that minimize potential energy, and this typically involves maximizing the distance between their constituent atoms. When atoms are further apart, the electrostatic repulsion between their negatively charged electron clouds is reduced, resulting in a lower potential energy state. This stability leads to molecules adopting a configuration where atoms are as far away from each other as possible.

What are tiny structures that everything is made of?

Atoms, or molecules, depending on how "far in" you go.

Could a laser light with holograph see molecules and atoms?

No. Atoms and molecules are far smaller than the wavelengths of visible light, so light cannot be used to image them.

What shape are all diatomic molecules?

Diatomic molecules have 2 atoms combined. The way they line up is determined by the desire to keep each atom as far away as possible from all the other electrons in the molecule apart from those being shared. The only way to do this is to be a linear molecule, so the atoms are side by side.

What was made fist molecules or atoms?

Atoms existed before molecules do. Without atoms, molecules could not happen.

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Why are gases more compressible than liquids or solids?

Gases are the only ones that are compressible in fact. They are compressible because the atoms in gases are very far apart, and when you compress them, their atoms can fill up these spaces.