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They're not, really. The animal kingdom is divided into multiple phyla, such as arthropods, molluscs and roundworms. Vertebrates are only one of these phyla. They're classified according to their traits and evolutionary history, and grouped according to their relation to one another.

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Q: Why are all animals in the animal kingdom separated into vertebrates and invertebrates?
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What is the kingdom of invertebrate called?

The Kingdom of animals is broken into vertebrates and invertebrates.

What are two goups of animals in the animal kingdom?

Vertebrates and invertebrates.

Are trees vertebrates or invertebrates?

Tree's are neither vertebrates nor invertebrates, as those are distinctions used in the animal kingdom, and plants are not animals.

What is the first division in the animal kingdom?

Vertebrates and invertebrates... V = Animals with backbone IV= Animals without backbone

If the animal kingdom was divided into 2 groups vertebrates and invertebrates?

yes, its split into vertebrates and invertebrates

What is an animal that comes from the animalia kingdom?

the types of animals are animals with backbones called vertebrates and without backbones called invertebrates.

The animal kingdom is divided into smaller groups called?

The animal kingdom is divided into smaller groups called vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are those animals with backbones and endoskeletons and invertebrates lack a backbone and generally have the skeleton on the outside of their bodies.

How in vertebrate animals classified?

Vertebrates are animals with a backbone (a.k.a a spine) we are vertebrates and so are the rest of the mammal kingdom. Invertebrates are animals without a backbone like crustacean (Crabs) and Arachne and insects.

The two major groupings within the animal kingdom are?

The animal kingdom is divided into two major groups vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates have a backbone and invertebrates does not have a backbone.

What is the animal kingdom broken into?

An animal kingdom is broken into vertebrates and invertebrates

What is the kingdom of a Kiwi bird?

The kiwi, like all vertebrates, belongs to the kingdom Animalia. This kingdom includes both vertebrates and invertebrates.

Which animals are invertebrates and not invertebrates?

All animals are invertebrates, except for fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. These are known as vertebrates (animals with a backbone; vertebra = backbone) and account for only 2% of the animal kingdom, at most (as we probably haven't discovered all invertebrate species yet)!