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This is because if there is no oxygen then there will be no energy which will not let reproduction take place

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Q: Why are anaerobic conditions fatal for most organisms?
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When an organism can survive without oxygen it is called this?

An organism is described as anaerobic [from the Greek word "an" (opposite) and "aerobio" (air-lived)] if it does not require oxygen in order to survive. Instead, anaerobic organisms use anaerobic respiration to obtain energy from food. Most anaerobic organisms are microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and internal parasites that live in places where there is never much oxygen, such as in the mud at the bottom of a lake or pond, or in the alimentary canal. Anaerobic organisms release much less of the available energy from their food than do aerobic organisms.

Why are most anaerobic organisms very small?

Organisms that are larger require the respiration of something like oxygen to capture enough energy to run themselves.

Archaea and eubacteria were found to be most different because?

Archaea or archaeabacteria are bacteria that are able to live in extreme conditions. They are single-celled organisms lacking a nucleus. Eubacteria have linked lipids in their cell membrane and can only survive in more normal conditions.

Why are there no multicellular anaerobic organisms?

I'm not sure how old this question is, but in fact three species multicellular anaerobic organisims were found in deep-sea sediments in April 2010. If you do a search for 'multicellular anaerobic organisms' you can see the details.

What microorganism is anaerobic?

organisms which do not require oxygen, infact most of them would find oxygen poisoness Like or for example yeast cells....etc

Does all life need oxygen to live?

Most Marine organisms require oxygen to survive. Most do not need to breathe air to do so as there is oxygen dissolved in water that can be absorbed.There are a few organism, the smallest ones, that are anaerobic and do not require oxygen. Other than single cell organisms. they are rare.

Anaerobic respiration is most common in?

Anaerobic respiration is most common in microorganisms.

What is the Most anaerobic zone in the ocean?

The ocean floor is the most anaerobic zone in the ocean.

What other organisms make air?

No organisms make "air." Air is the natural atmosphere of the earth. Most of it is nitrogen. Most plants take in carbon-dioxide, and produce oxygen. Most animals take in oxygen, and produce carbon dioxide.

Are probiotics anaerobic in nature?

The most common probiotics are those in fermenting food; they are anaerobic.

In which organisms does anaerobic respiration occur?

The following are organisms that perform "Anaerobic Respiration": -bacteria -fungi -yeast -animal cells that lack oxygen( for example, if you are running and don't have enough oxygen, you will most likely perform anaerobic respiration).

Are most bacteria beneficial pathogenic or anaerobic?

Firstly, pathogenic is not the opposite of anaerobic. The vast majority of bacteria are non-pathogenic, but this doesn't mean they are anaerobic.