

Why are animals sent into space?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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To see and test if they are better at living in space and sometimes to replace Humans.

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Q: Why are animals sent into space?
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Which country sent up the first animal in the space?

The USSR sent the first animals into space.

Have astronauts ever sent any animals into space?

Yes they have sent a monkey

Which animals have been sent into outer space?

Monkeys,Chimps,Dogs,Mice,Rats,RabbitsInsects,andJellyfishhave been sent into space.

What animals has the US sent into Space?

Chimpanzees,People sadfasdasdadsd

What event proved that mammals could live in space?

The US space program has sent numerous animals into space,

What type of animals went into space?

They sent a Russian dog to space, they sent a chimpanzee to space and they sent/send humans to space.Neil Armstrong, Buzz Lightyear (whatever his last name is)All those people. XD

What were the first living things sent into space before humans were?

Animals were the first living thing in space.

Would animals know what to do if they were sent up in space?

If it were properly trained, it may.

What did scientists want to discover when they sent animals into space?

they were calm and easy to train

What were the first animals to go to space?

Animals in Space The first animals sent to space were fruit flies, in 1947 (by the US) - to test the effects of radiation on living creatures. This was followed by dogs (set by Russians) and mice (sent by the US). Many animals were to follow before the first humans were sent to space: such as dogs, cats, chimpanzees Throu, monkeys (rhesus monkeys and squirrel monkeys), rats, stick insects, quail eggs, newts, rats, squirrels and many others. See Related Links See the Related Links for "MONKEYS AND OTHER ANIMALS IN SPACE" below the answer.

Why send monkeys to space?

Yes they have ... They sent one Russian monkey up.

Why was an animal sent to space?

Animals were sent into space before humans to test the life support systems and to generate some data regarding the hazards and potential medical concerns for humans.