

Why are ants successful in living in diverse habitats?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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they are successful coz they can live easily anywhere and they go after food

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Q: Why are ants successful in living in diverse habitats?
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How many ants are there in the world?

According to the ant experts at Fascinations, the makers of the AntWorks ant habitats, it is estimated that there are over 10,000,000,000,000,000 ants currently alive today. According to the numbering system used in the United States, that is 10,000 Trillion or 10 Quadrillion ants! Looked at another way, some sources claim that all of the ants living today would weigh more than the combined weight of all the humans living today. There are estimated to be about 1 million ants to every human!

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Ants live in a 'formicary'. Bees live in a 'colony'. Termites live in 'mounds'.

Why do ants suck at life?

It a common misconception that ants are the sole suckers in life; this is blatantly false, although many people still live within the comfortable realm of that delusion (for reference, see Happy Days). In truth, ants appear highly successful in comparison to the utter futility of human existence. However, unlike humans, ants are much too busy living to wonder why they suck at said task.

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A group of ants is called a colony or an army.

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spiders are stronger than ants because they have some poisons that can kill a living thing.But ants can only bite and cause bleeding.

How many ants in a kingdom?

a large colony of ants is ussually home to millions of ants, in fact theres so many that the inside of a colony is nothing but living ants, there is barely any room at all.

Are ants an organisme?

of course any living thing or any thing that was once living is an organism