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Q: Why are artificial flavors and or odors not quite the real thing?
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What are the importance of mixtures?

because they can prevent you from mixing every thing up

Are cholinesterase and the neurotransmitter AchE the same thing?

Firstly, AChE is not a neurotransmitter; it is a protease that cleaves ACh into acetic acid and choline. ACh is a neurotransmitter, AChE is not. AChE is a type of cholinesterase, so they are close, but not quite the same thing.

What carries odor in the air?

This is actually quite gross .... be warned.Nothing carries odor. The "odor" is actually tiny physical pieces of the item in question that the nose has cells to detect and analyze. So when you are smelling something, you are actually sensing the actual item. So if you smell a flower, you are actually sensing the molocules and other compounds in the oils and other constitutes of the flower. If you smell perfume, its because you are detecting the same thing; the actual oils that constitute the perfume. If you smell pine wood, there are tiny microscopic pieces of wood going in your nose.This also includes bad odors as well....

What is dispression method?

There is no such thing as dispersion in physics. There is a such thing as depression and dispersion of light by prisms. Dispersion is the separation of visible light into its different colors.

Which halogen is good for cleaning the teeth?

Please don't use halogens for cleaning your teeth, most of them are both toxic and corrosive.Some tooth cleaning products contain a halide (close, but not quite the same thing):stannous fluoride.

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What is duvalin made out of?

It is a vegetable paste flavored with hazelnut (the dark side) or artificial flavors (strawberry / vanilla cream)...if you are still unsure as to what I'm talking about think Nutella. Exact same thing.

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To date, there is no such thing as an artificial planet

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there are no such thing as artificial muscles. Muscle is made up of calcium and rich blood.

Is there a such thing as raspberry chocolate?

yes, there is a such thing as raspberry because there are M&Ms and yes they do come in many flavors

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No, a skin graft is taking the skin from another area, while artificial skin is well... artificial skin.

Is there such thing as an artificial banana?

yes. they're called cucumbers

What is the biggest artificial thing and where?

the wall of china I learned it from St.Ludmila

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there is no such thing as an aerotifical heart. what are you stupid or something?

What is a semantic net in artificial intelligence?

the same thing as a net of sematicness

Where is the best place to store coffee?

You should use an airtight container in a cool, dry place because exposure to air is the major cause of staleness, also keeping them unground prolongs their storage time. Flavor killers Air, probably the worst thing for coffee, the flavors are oxidized which causes the coffee to go stale. Moisture, moisture in the air taints the oils in the coffee causing off flavors and can deteriorate the beans. Heat, this causes the beans to lose flavor. Light, direct light will add to staleness and flavor loss. Odor, coffee is porous, so it will absorb flavors and odors around it, definitely keep it away from the fish.