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Bandaids are helpful because they give vitamins to your skin. If a bandaid doesnt have vitamins in it, it is just protecting it. I think.

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3mo ago

Bandaids provide a protective barrier for minor wounds, preventing further injury or infection. They also help keep the wound clean and promote faster healing by creating a moist environment. Additionally, bandaids can help reduce pain and discomfort by covering and cushioning the wound.

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Are protists helpful or harmful?

Protists can be both helpful and harmful. Some protists are beneficial as they play key roles in ecosystems, such as being primary producers in marine environments. However, some protists can also be harmful pathogens that cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants.

Is bacteria harmful or helpful?

Bacteria can be both harmful and helpful. Harmful bacteria can cause infections and diseases, while helpful bacteria play important roles in processes like digestion, nutrient cycling, and even producing antibiotics. It's important to maintain a balance of good and bad bacteria in our bodies and environment.

What is a helpful child?

A helpful child is one who willingly assists others without being asked, shows empathy and kindness towards others, and takes initiative in helping out in various situations. They are considerate, responsible, and eager to contribute to the well-being of those around them.

Is bacteria more helpful or harmful?

Bacteria can be both helpful and harmful. While some bacteria play important roles in processes such as digestion and nutrient cycling, others can cause diseases. The impact of bacteria depends on the specific type and the context in which they are found.

Are dinoflagellates helpful or harmful?

Dinoflagellates can be both helpful and harmful. Some species are important producers in marine ecosystems as they play a key role in the food chain. However, certain dinoflagellates are also responsible for harmful algal blooms that can have negative impacts on marine life and human health, through the production of toxins.

Related questions

Do wounds heal faster with or without bandaids?

Wound heal faster with bandaids

How do you treat broken blister?

Disinfectant and bandaids :)

Are there antibiotic patches?

Do antibacterial bandaids count.

What is the use of bandaids?

covering small minor wounds

What is use of Bandaids?

covering small minor wounds

When did Earle Dickson invent Bandaids?


What are bandaids called om London?

Elastoplast, which is a trade name.

How do you get rid of pointe shoe blisters?

Put lots of medication on them and always wear bandaids. The bandaids will help the blisters from getting worse. Also, you're not supposed to pop the big bubbly blisters, but I personally think its better to pop them if you want it to heal faster. Only wear the bandaids outside of class. If you wear bandaids in pointe shoes, it makes them worse. Try using New-Skin, or liquid bandage. You can also wrap your toes with first aid tape.

What should we have in your med kit?

Bandaids, Gauze STrips, ANd Alchohal Swabs

What do bandaids smell like?

Bandaids typically have a mild, plastic-like smell due to the adhesive materials and latex used in their production. Some may have a faint medicinal scent from added antiseptic components.

Why did the man in the story the safe house have bandaids instead of nails?

The man in the story had bandaids instead of nails because he was using them as a makeshift solution to keep the loose floorboards in place, in order to alert him if someone tried to enter the house during the night. The bandaids were a clever and non-intrusive way to ensure his safety while staying in the unsafe house.

What does kegs mean?

a large shelf type basement that holds old bandaids.